Q. How long will it take to complete the
R. We pride ourselves on fast
professional work with attention to
detail. A standard home takes 2-3
hours (roughly 1 hour for every
1000 sq. ft. of space.
Q. What about my privacy?
R. Anytime someone enters your home,
be it housekeeping, repairmen,
carpet cleaning or delivery
personnel, privacy and confidentiality
is always a concern. All information
acquired by us is kept strictly
confidential. Your information is
never sold or given to other parties
or companies. For your protection,
your authorization will be required
before we release your
information to the police
department, insurance company,
Q. Do you inventory everything?
Even clothes?
R. We do inventory just about
everything. Some items are
documented at groups. YOU
decide what is inventoried and
what is not.